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PHPRecipeBook 4.08

Recipe Name: Apple salad Submitted by: Ryan
Source: Source Description: Eugene Day
Ethnicity: American Last Modified: 3/24/2013
Base: Fruit Comments:
Course: Side Dish  
Difficulty: Easy
Preparation Time: 10-30 Minutes
Number of Servings: 4

3 apple
1 Cup(s) chopped walnuts
2 Cup(s) small marshmallows
1/2 Cup(s) sugar
1 Cup(s) milk
1/2 Teaspoon(s) vanilla extract
1 well beaten egg
Chop fruit into bite sized chunks.
Mix sugar, egg, and milk in a saucepan.
Cook until it bubbles around the edges, but do not boil. Remove from heat and add vanilla. Cool and pour over fruit. Toss and serve.

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